Typical Applications
The sectors listed below are just a few of the most typical applications for MegaFan HVLS Fans, however, any large building with high ceilings will benefit from HVLS fans.
Warehouse and Distribution centres
With very high ceilings and vast storage areas that are ever changing due to stock and materials movement, distribution and warehouse centers face ongoing temperature control battles during the summer months (with or without air conditioning).
Manufacturing and production plants
Manufacturing and production facilities with high ceilings face numerous and often changing environmental control challenges. These include adequate and safe ventilation of production areas, and cost-effective temperature control within all employee-designated areas, from work spaces to the cafeteria.
Airports and Aircraft Hangers
Buildings don’t get much larger than airport terminals. See our HVLS fans in action in this perfect environment, increasing passenger comfort whilst saving huge amounts of energy.
Physical activity centres
Leisure Centres, Gyms, Aquatic Centres, Indoor & Outdoor Play Facilities, Multi Activity Centres, Tennis Clubs, Stadia, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Sports Clubs and many, many more benefit from High Volume, Low Speed Fans.

Shopping centres
Architects and designers, property owners and managers know the importance of good sustainable design. Shopping malls continue to evolve with an even greater emphasis on the total customer experience.